108 hours x 90 = $9720 instructor fee
Weekly: 4 hours studio / practice with assistance - 2 hours demonstration
Graded on sample book, & Tiny Shirt
This course will give provide students with the basic foundations of sewing, and give them the guidance and space to practice and execute those skills.
20% - Attendance
20% - Sample Book 1: Week 1-3
20% - Sample Book 2: Week 4-7
20% - Sample Book 3: Week 8-12
20% - Tiny Shirt - Observations of mistakes made, what was the result, what would be a better method in the future. This can also be a journal documenting what worked well. For every mistake documented a solutions should be presented (though not necessarily executed) and for every success documented students should document what mistakes they avoided.
108 hours x 90 = $9720 instructor fee
Weekly: 4 hours studio / practice with assistance - 2 hours demonstration
Graded on sample book, & Tiny Shirt
This course will give provide students with the basic foundations of sewing, and give them the guidance and space to practice and execute those skills.
20% - Attendance
20% - Sample Book 1: Week 1-3
20% - Sample Book 2: Week 4-7
20% - Sample Book 3: Week 8-12
20% - Tiny Shirt - Observations of mistakes made, what was the result, what would be a better method in the future. This can also be a journal documenting what worked well. For every mistake documented a solutions should be presented (though not necessarily executed) and for every success documented students should document what mistakes they avoided.
- Syllabus review, expectations, etc.: Intro to industrial machine sewing on paper no thread. > how to thread machine > practice speed and control on machines (stitched through papers for grade)
- Hand sewing: threading a needle & using thimble (best practices for best results.) Sewing on a button& snap. types of basting (diagonal/uneven/straight). Prick stitch and back stitch
- Sewing the perfect seam (straight seam) discuss seam allowance, sewing on the line, pinning and pressing
- Darts: double/single, fish dart - Sample Book 1 Due (Week 1- 3)
- Seam finishes and appropriate uses: French seams, serge finish, Hong Kong finish, pinked
- Curved seams & corners (turned & mitre)
- Hems: when to use each hem: turn and turn /curved seams, trouser hem. Cross stitch hem, blind cross, machined, rolled hem : also fast and dirty hems in a pinch.
- Closures: how to plan a closure properly: plackets, & buttonholes - Sample Book 1 Due (Week 4- 7)
- Facings/binding: facings/bias faced/piping/ bias finished
- Zippers: lapped/centred/invisible
- Collars: how to sew a collar : grading, understitching
- Sleeves: gathers, & pleats into cuff
- Tiny shirt assignment - Sample Book Final due (Week 8 - 12)
- Tiny shirt assignment
- Tiny shirt due