Practical Alterations:
14 classes (14 weeks) 2.5 hours per class
2 separate classes (smaller class size) - 35 hours each (70 total)
$6300 Instructor fee
- Assessing a costume - Will it fit the performer? Where can it be altered? Where does it need to be mended?
- Stitch Ripping - An important part of repairing costumes is learning to carefully take them apart in a way that you are able to repair, mend, and put back together.
- Repairing - Darning, stitching, hemming, glueing
20% - Attendance
40% - Participation: Students have participated in class positively by helping eachother when needed, and joining the collaborative discussion to decide how to best tackle alterations and mending.
40% - 3 garments over the semester assessed, mended or altered.